What happens when two passionate people discuss about GOD in the core of the night. This conversation is between two individuals who have different beliefs, this happened in just ONE NIGHT !!
A conversation about GOD in the middle of the night,
Well this sounds like one of Chetan Bhagat's book, rite?? LOL!!
It’s not like his story, but we have two guys here.
One who says god doesn’t exists and the other demands the proof for god’s absence!!
Presenting Ravi with “Man created God !!” &
Presenting Hemanth with “God created every single thing!!”
It was 10.00 in the night, when Hemanth logged into his gtalk as a routine, but minutes later Ravi logged in and changed his status to a very controversial statement ----- “Man created God!!”
and that’s how the discussion about god began,
10:10 PM
Hemanth: hi
Ravi: hello
Hemanth: Do u believe in the saying nothing can b created from nothing ?
Ravi: i would think so .. matter is conserved
Hemanth: science says that every creation must have a source .. u think science is true?
Ravi: by and large
Hemanth: so was the universes created from nothing?
Ravi: no, the universe wasn't created
Hemanth: hmmm...so it was just there is the space...just like that is it
Ravi: please rephrase
Hemanth: if the universe wasn't created...how is it existing?
Ravi: it existed as a singularity .. And we don't quite know what it was before it was or became a singularity
Hemanth: so u urself is not clear about Ur philosophy?!
-- On the first day, man created God
Ravi: yes, man created god being the part to be noted
Hemanth: On the first day, man created God....and on the second day he came to know the truth that he made a typing mistake ...it was GOD who created man ...after this enlightenment he learns to type
-- If man created GOD ...who created MAN?
Ravi: if god created man, who created god?
Hemanth: a person who is not created by anyone nor destroyed by anyone is called GOD he is the infinite power, energy, he is energy
Ravi: and lo and behold all the talk about everything needing a source goes straight out the window
--I can measure energy
--Can you measure god?
Hemanth: i can feel god ...hope u feel ur energy
--can u measure infinity ?!
Ravi: no, but i can tell you what it means
Hemanth: so u can measure infinite energy called god
--logically u can prove anything
Ravi: actually, you can't
Hemanth: it all depends on ur base or seed assumptions
-- if ur assumptions are wrong so is ur logic
Ravi: quite true
--Your assumption that everything needs a source is obviously wrong
Hemanth: dry logic fetch u nothing ...don do logic about what cant be prove by logic
--see ill give u an ex
-- if u see a good pot in a shop .. You will ask good art work .. Who made it?
--and if i say .. no one made it .. it happened by itself, then ??
Ravi: haven't we been through this already?
Hemanth: i know u have a gr8 memory
Ravi: thank you
Hemanth: and i still remember u didn’t say anything that day
I do remember that ;)
Ravi: So, who created god?
Hemanth: hmmm ..
coming to ur question
if someone has created god he will no more be called god
he created himself
10:48 PM
Ravi: your assumption is that everything needs a source, a creator
I don't agree
but i will engage you in argument nonetheless
if you say that everything needs a creator
god needs a creator
whatever you call god needs a creator
if you don't think god needs a creator, you basically shot your own argument down
Hemanth: god needs a creator and its himself
its a self loop
i said there must b a creator
for a creation....
Ravi: so by that logic, man created himself
Hemanth: but he is infinite
Ravi: the fine piece of artwork painted itself
Hemanth: he is in the other dimension ...where time and space cant measure him
its for mortal, its a mortal ex .. but god !
Ravi: yes and i have a friend who is a pink unicorn with purple spots behind his ear
he visits me every alternate Saturday
Hemanth: sorry was that for me
Ravi: was “your god is from another dimension” stuff for me?
Hemanth: of course
*can u scientifically prove god doesn't exists *
*can u scientifically prove god doesn't exists *
Ravi: can you prove that my unicorn friend who visits me every alternate Saturday doesn't exist?
Hemanth: yes
Ravi: please do
Hemanth: ill stay with u the few Saturdays ;)
Ravi: he only visits me on the Saturdays when i am alone
Hemanth: sorry u didnt mention that
ok ...ill put a cam in ur room
Ravi: i'll put a camera on you, and you can show me a tape with god in it
Hemanth: ok ill not feed u for a month can u show me hunger ...can u show me pain ....can u show me taste ...can u show me smell...can u show me ??
Ravi: i can show you pain .. hunger .. taste and smell !!
Hemanth: u need to feel it my boy
Hemanth: r u schizophrenic....are u seeing it all?
Ravi: smell can be quantified
so can taste
so can hunger
so can every other physiological sensation
Hemanth: see I’ll give one red chilly and make u eat and u should make ur other friend to feel the taste ...without he eating anything, can u?
Can u show him the taste
Ravi: on a computer screen .. sure
Hemanth: come on
he should feel it
the same feel
Ravi: he should feel sensation from my taste buds ?
Hemanth: yup
if u r hungry
He should feel it
Ravi: and if he can't, god exists
Because you can't taste the chilly i bit two seconds ago, god exists
Hemanth: and if he can't .. it implies that there are many things in this world .. which must be felt not seen ,measured or prove to exist and u still didn’t scientifically prove god doesn’t exist
Ravi: i did scientifically prove taste and smell
Hemanth: scientifically prove god doesn’t exist
Ravi: and i also proved that god exists in the god’s centre of the brain .. no where else
Hemanth: there where u see god ...good atleast you found god in the brain's center which is god's creation again .....good i salute u
Ravi: something that exists only in you created everything that was here when nothing even remotely similar to you existed
_somehow_, i think there's a flaw there
10:53 PM
Hemanth: sorry bad network
i missed ur msg .. i saluted u .. you were typing and pufff net went down
Ravi: something that exists only in one part of your brain created everything that was here when nothing even remotely similar to you existed
Somehow, i think there's a flaw there
Hemanth: something that exists only in one part of my brain is the reason i m typing and is the reason ur brain is reading wt i m typing ....when its gone everything is gone
Ravi: so basically, animals and plants and everything else don't exist
Hemanth: yes ...and that something is called god ...u may call it life ....call it cell ...atom....anything ...but all in all i see god in it ....i even see god in u
thank god i blv in god
Ravi: animals and plants don't exist
and you believe that
and you thank god you believe that
Hemanth: i read it as they exist
So basically, animals and plants and everything else don't exist...y did u say tht ?
Ravi: if god exists only in your brain, how the hell did it create you?
Hemanth: i said u r seeing god in my brain
thts good
he is there everywere
Ravi: there is a pain in my room
Hemanth: i didnt say only in my brain
Ravi: only, i don't know where it is
I said it only exists in your brain
because that is where it does exist
that is only where it exists
Hemanth: but if it exists everywere ?
it's there forever
its there eveywere
Ravi: you argued that god is like smell and taste and hunger
which is the reason god exists, right?
i can't feel your hunger
and similarly, i can't feel your god
your hunger and your god are similar
they are both psychological responses to stimuli you are exposed to
Hemanth: first of all u should be hungry to feel my hungry ...u have closed all ur paths from where i can make u hungry to feel ur own hunger
Ravi: further reiterating the point that god is a psychological sensation
we're agreed, then god could not possibly have created anything
Hemanth: ur hunger is different from mine ...but hungry the feel is same ..u may feel eating rocks and sand will fill ur stomach and make u less hungry ..i feel eating rice would make me less hungry ...u find ur solution for ur hunger based on ur quality...all this talks are embedded in ur quality...which is been reflected by the ultimate power
Ravi: Brb
Hemanth: ill wait until o r back :)
11:17 PM
After 7 minutes
Hemanth: * u r back
Ravi: i stopped reading after the first two sentences
ur hunger is different from mine ...but hungry the feel is same
Hemanth: r u typing?
ravi: no
Hemanth: until u read the whole book ur review is not valid
Ravi: you are building your argument on 'your hunger is different from mine, but hunger is the same'
I don't think it will be any good
Hemanth: but being hungry is true i mean .. i didn’t say but hunger is the same
but being hungry is true i meant .. read it full
Ravi: please continue to explain the rest of the paragraph
Hemanth: We both are hungry ..u may feel eating rocks and sand will fill ur stomach and make u less hungry ..i feel eating rice would make me less hungry ...u find ur solution for ur hunger based on ur quality...all this talks are embedded in ur quality...which is been reflected by the ultimate power
Ravi: and what this has to do with the non-existence of god would be...
Hemanth: brb
11:37 PM
Hemanth: Similarly...u r programmed to prove god doesn’t exist and I’m to prove he exists ....but u still failed to prove scientifically..with proofs that god is not there ....or atleast man created god ....i liked that line ....u blv god is there bcos u must blv ur creation .....after all u say man created god so u say he exists good...thts how i see it
Ravi: ignoring the fact that that twenty line outpour lacks a single comma, i have to question your definition of god
if you are prepared to call pig-dung god from tomorrow, i will definitely agree that god exists, in that i agree pig-dung exists
Hemanth: GOD only reflects the qualities...in each and every entity..it may be sandalwood or pig-dung … he just reflects the quality ...and he is not affected by tht quality ...just bcos he is showing u the quality
Ravi: define god .. we can go from there
Hemanth: hmmm lol
to get a phd u work so hard work for years starting from ur puc .....and u need definition of GOD in few lines or few mins how fair is it ...its not as easy as u google for some ethicist articles
Ravi: what have you been blabbering on about all this time, then ?
Hemanth: i was first trying to convince u that there is a path to understand god
first say god is there then ill define it
Ravi: you've done a phd?
Hemanth: yes a phd called life
Ravi: so you are qualified to define god .. please do
12:01 AM
Hemanth: to define god.. I need u to agree god is there first .. then only ill define !!
Ravi: why does a definition need acceptance of existence?
Hemanth: bcos i m giving the definition and u r in need of it
u need to signup to gmail to get an email account
same way here also
Ravi: you really think i am in need of a definition?
Hemanth: if u reject to accept the definition
its clear for me u have failed in proving ur philosophy
u urself know 0 about god and u say he is not there
u r proud of ur ignorance
Ravi: in the fiber-optic network called the internet that transfers data from you to me is a mirror somewhere .. please find it
Hemanth: for a person who takes things literally from his brain ...but not his heart sees only wires and light ....but for the one who sees GOD see him in everything
Ravi: my heart is a collection of muscle that pumps blood to my organs.
Hemanth: so wht is the difference between u and a machine ...say a fridge which takes in air compress and also decompress ...so can i call u a machine with muscles and blood and no feelings ...if so how and y do you express them
ravi: your fridge has blood running through it?
can your fridge call your last statement idiotic?
Hemanth: it cant right
ravi: can your fridge explain quantum mechanics to you?
Hemanth: so stop thinking only in one direction
learn to close ur eyes
cos its a big barrier for ur vision
u open ur eyes u cant se beyond ur wall
close it u can see anything
Ravi: with your nose open, you can smell only what is in your room
close your nose and you can smell it when i fart
oh wait; actually, if you close your nose, you'll choke yourself and faint
so don't
Hemanth: if u close ur nose ur mouth will open to taste from where the smell came from so dont
i can make u blv in GOD if u do what i say
without questioning
till end
then u can throw ur questions
12:23 AM
After 7 Long minutes
Ravi: you want to convert me to theism?
you can try
Hemanth: i m not on a mission like ur called convert someone to other than wht he is ...no one can do that ...except the person himself ... i can just show u the way you need to walk to find the truth ... !!
No one knows what happened for the rest of the conversation .. they probably just went offline to find out the real truth ..
Ravi with “Man created God!!” &
Hemanth with “God created every single thing!!”
That’s All Folks !!
Good NYTE !!
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